water waste systems

Why Saving Water is important?

Because it is not available to All!!

Intelligent and rational usage of Water comes naturally if everyone is sensitive that Water is a depleting and a scarce natural resource. It is imperative that we now become serious and take the vital steps to sensitise people around us to start conserving water in order to have continued water supply to all our present and future citizens.

Let us save water by cutting back on non-essential uses and getting rid of wasteful habits and practices and not to add, that it should be made mandatory by Municipal Authorities in Philippines to recycle waste water including sewage, industrial effluents and grey water for using the treated water for irrigation, gardening andcleaning of roads“

Do you know how much water a family of four consumes daily in the Philippines?

  • Not 50 gallons, not 100 gallons, but 400 gallons! That’s much!!!
  • If consumption of this extensive quantity of Water is rationalised just imagine how much water could be saved by the citizens of the Philippines that could be used by deprived citizens.

Why Save Water?

  • As our population will keep growing over the years, water consumption levels will keep rising at the same pace.  And the gap between supply and demand for Water will widen further. It thus becomes essential that Water is used wisely and its wastage is reduced as much as possible.
  • Did you know that less than 1% of all the water on Earth can be used by people?
  • According to water.org , 9M people in the Philippines lack access to safe water. Therefore, it is important that we use our water wisely and do not waste it.

How Arnym Eco Green can help in saving water?

  • Our mission is to optimize, expand our water resources and secure their watersheds facilities and provide equitable access to clean, potable and affordable water.
  • Our expertise in advanced and latest Water Treatment and Waste Water treatment technologies makes it easy to reach the common goal of saving and avoiding wastage of water at minimal cost. And we provide onsite assistance  in the Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand.

Contact us now for pre-demonstration at ceo@arnymecogreen.com.

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